Efficient Data Collection

Build Dynamically in Qualtrics for Post-Survey Respondent Exchange

Unique Email Links for File Uploads

Kate Wall
8 min readOct 2, 2022


Problem of the Day.

How do you build a survey in Qualtrics that asks for a file upload from the respondent? How do you build the survey so that the respondent has the option to upload that file during the survey or after the survey?

Pre-Req. This article assumes you already have Qualtrics platform access. If you are assessing whether Qualtrics’ easy management controls, customer support, and fairly hefty price tag are right for your data collection needs, this is not the article for you.

However, if you seek to build a survey using the Qualtrics platform that enables respondents to add data to their responses after the initial survey, welcome!

May this tutorial save you time, money, and headache.


This task can be accomplished quite elegantly in Qualtrics by using Survey Flow logic, Workflows, and Distributions. The implementation tutorial follows.

The steps I describe will pertain to the task of asking respondents to upload a photo now or at a later date; however, this is just an example of an exchange that you might wish to implement with survey respondents.

Perhaps you’d like respondents to answer whether they would like to be contacted at a…



Kate Wall

PhD Candidate | Statistician | Engineer | Enthusiast of all things data science!